The duodenum is part of the small intestine. Some of the food that was digested in the stomach will then move on to the duodenum. Here, all classes of food is digested. The enzymes present in the duodenum would be: pancreatic amylase, lipase, trypsin and maltase. All undigested food will then be transported into the large intestine.
There two actions that take place in the mouth, physical and chemical.
First, the teeth chews the food into smaller pieces and the tongue rolls it into balls. The enyzme in the mouth which is known as the salivery amylase then breaks down starch into maltose, this is where starch digestion takes place. The food then travels down the oesophagus.
The stomach is a part of the alimentary canal. The stomach only secretes one enyzme, and thats proteas to help in the digestion of food it also secretes hydrochloric acid. As we all know enyzme helps to work on the protein, so what does hyrochloric acid do? It helps to kill the foreign bacteria, this is also one of the reasons why the stomach is so acidic, cause it contains hydrochloric acid.
sorry, i dont know why all the videos i upload all turns out like that, i'll try to solve the problem meanwhile, just double click on the video so that it directly leads you to youtube and you can watch it from there, sorry.
It provides the energy needed when the body is lack of carbo and fats. It is also used for the growth of new cells and the repair for damaged ones. Protein is made up of: CHON(carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen.)
Protein is digested in the stomach as the stomach produces an enzyme called proteas to work on the protein.
Biuret test is to test for the presence of protein, if protein is present, the solution turns into violet, if not, it will remain its original colour.
There are three types of carbohydrates: monosaccharides, dissaccharides and polysaccharides. Polysaccharides: Starch, glycogen and cellulose Monosaccharides: Galactose, fructose and glucose Dissaccharides: Maltose, sucrose and lactose.
Cellulose cannot be digested and monosaccharides are the simplest form of sugar.
This video is pretty much it.
(i'm sorry its kinda in a bad quality....)
To test for carbohydrates: Benedicts and Iodine test.
Benedicts test is to test for the presence of reducing sugar. When reducing sugar is present, the solution will turn to a orange-red precipitate. If reducing sugar is not present, the solution will remain its original colour.
Iodine test is to test for the presence of starch. If starch is present, the iodine will turn from brown to blue-black. If not, the starch will remain brown.
Does raw food or cooked food disgest faster? Firstly, when raw food is exposed to a temperature of 118 degrees, they start to break down, it contains enzymes to digest food. Once the enzymes are exposed to that temperature, they are no longer to provide the function they were designed to. Raw food is easily digested and is digested faster than cooked food. Since raw food has alot of enzymes that helps in digestion, raw food is digested faster compared to cooked food.
So, is it better to eat raw food or cooked food? Raw food is much better as it is easily digested. Cooked foods contribute to chronic illness, because their enzyme content is damaged and thus requires us to make our own enzymes to process the food.